Quarterly Disciplinary Actions

Name License Category Quarter Description
Nicole A. Galiano S011493 Pharmacists 2022 - Q1

Consent Agreement for Voluntary Surrender of License. License Surrendered.

CVS Pharmacy #1743 Y004651 Permits 2022 - Q1

Consent Agreement and Order for Letter of Reprimand.

Ashwin M. Reddy, MD 48835 Arizona Medical Board 2022 - Q1

Interim Summary Restriction - Respondent’s license to practice allopathic medicine in the State of Arizona is summarily restricted. Respondent is prohibited from prescribing controlled substances in the State of Arizona

Ariana Rowe T065763 Technicians 2022 - Q1

Order for Voluntary Surrender of License. License surrendered.

Jonathan Paulo Radu T068701 Technicians 2022 - Q1

Consent Agreement for Voluntary Surrender of License. License Surrendered.

Gabriella Ann Martinez T073153 Technicians 2022 - Q1

Consent Agreement for Voluntary Surrender of License. License Surrendered.

Randal Lavern Johnson S014321 Pharmacists 2022 - Q1

Interim Consent Agreement for Interim Suspension of License and Psychological Evaluation with a Fitness for Duty Component. License Suspended.

CVS/pharmacy #07845 Y004168 Permits 2022 - Q1

Consent Agreement and Order for Letter of Reprimand.

Moneil M. Patel, MD 44593 Arizona Medical Board 2022 - Q1

Interim Practice Restriction – Respondent is prohibited from prescribing controlled substances in the State of Arizona pending the outcome of a formal interview or formal hearing in this matter.

Mariyah Granillo T066704 Technicians 2022 - Q1

Decision and Order. License Revoked.

Omar Boumerzoug T075968 Technicians 2022 - Q1

Consent Agreement for Civil Penalty. License issued upon payment of a $250.00 civil penalty.

Jessica Kiyo-Dora Chastain T009219 Technicians 2022 - Q1

Consent Agreement for Civil Penalty, Continuing Education and Audit. $25.00 civil penalty; Additional 10 hours of continuing education; and automatic continuing education audit.

Desiree Y. Tilbury S014873 Pharmacists 2022 - Q1

Consent Agreement for Civil Penalty, Continuing Education and Audit. $150.00 civil penalty; Additional 15 hours of continuing education; and automatic continuing education audit.

CVS Pharmacy #9264 Y004493 Permits 2022 - Q1

Consent Agreement and Order for Letter of Reprimand.

Farhadd R. Riyaz, MD 61934 2022 - Q1

Interim Practice Restriction – Respondent is prohibited from engaging in the practice of medicine in the State of Arizona until he applies to the Executive Director and receives permission to do so.

Nubia Lizet Terrazas Jimenez T060794 Technicians 2022 - Q1

Decision and Order. License Revoked.

Margarita Abilez Ruiz T037348 Technicians 2022 - Q1

Consent Agreement for Civil Penalty, Continuing Education and Audit. $75.00 civil penalty; Additional 10 hours of continuing education; and automatic continuing education audit.

Melissa Brenda Chea T043823 Technicians 2022 - Q1

Consent Agreement for Civil Penalty, Continuing Education and Audit. $25.00 civil penalty; Additional 10 hours of continuing education; and automatic continuing education audit.

Nicole A. Galiano S011493 Pharmacists 2022 - Q1

Consent Agreement for Voluntary Surrender of License. License Surrendered.

CVS Pharmacy #1743 Y004651 Permits 2022 - Q1

Consent Agreement and Order for Letter of Reprimand.