Intern License Information

If you have any questions about intern licenses, please email [email protected].

Apply For a License


A.A.C. R4-23-301(B). The prerequisite for licensure as an intern is one of the following:

1.    Current enrollment, in good standing, in an approved college or school of pharmacy. (Please note: The school must provide a letter or official transcript showing your attendance in its pharmacy program. Original documents must come directly from the school and cannot be accepted from the applicant.)

2.     Graduation from a college or school of pharmacy along with:

a.       Proof the applicant is certified by the Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Examination Committee (FPGEC), if applicable; or

b.       Application for licensure as a pharmacist by examination or reciprocity; or

3.     By order of the Board if the Board determines the applicant needs intern training.

Before starting the application, please read the List of Acceptable Documents to ensure you submit a complete application.

Application fees are non-refundable. 




To obtain an Arizona Fingerprint Clearance Card, you may apply online at

For questions about the process, you may contact the Department of Public Safety (DPS) by calling 602.223.2279. DPS office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Before starting the application, please read the List of Acceptable Documents to ensure you submit a complete application.

APPLY: Pharmacist Intern online application

You may check the status of your application online hereWhen verifying your application status, should a "no records found" message appear, please try your search using the "License Verification" tab.

Placing calls and sending emails to the Board office regarding the status of your application may delay the processing times.


Application Type Initial Application
Intern $60.00
Duplicate Wall Certificate (Ornamental only; does not take the place of your intern license) $10.00


Renew License

For questions about renewing your intern license, please email [email protected] .

Verify License

The Arizona State Board of Pharmacy no longer provides hardcopy verifications of licensure; however, you may obtain primary source verification of a license here. Please note: primary source verification is not a license.

Disciplinary Actions

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 32-3214(C), a person may obtain additional public records related to any licensee or certificate holder, including dismissed complaints and non-disciplinary actions and orders, by contacting the Board directly. Please click here to submit a public records request.