Quarterly Disciplinary Actions

Name License Category Quarter Description
Cobalt Rehabilitation Hospital IV, LLC d/b/a Cobalt Rehabilitation Hospital Y008128 Permits 2022 - Q1

Consent Agreement and Order. The consent agreement includes a $2,500.00 civil penalty and reinspection within six months.

James E. Smith, PA TP7937 Arizona Regulatory Board of Physician Assistants 2022 - Q1

Surrender of License effective 2/24/22

Marlen Andre Hernandez Flores T067486 Technicians 2022 - Q1

Interim Consent Agreement and Order for Voluntary Suspension of License. License suspended.

Savannah Sowder T064531 Technicians 2022 - Q1

Decision and Order. License Revoked.

Colette May Thomas T002484 Technicians 2022 - Q1

Consent Agreement and Order for Letter of Reprimand.

Jessica Tatum Foster-Smith Not Issued Technicians 2022 - Q1

Denial of Application for Licensure as a Pharmacy Technician Trainee. Application denied.

Jason M. Rominski S014197 Pharmacists 2022 - Q1

Consent Agreement for Civil Penalty, Continuing Education and Audit. $2,000.00 civil penalty; Additional 15 hours of continuing education; and automatic continuing education audit.

Food City United Drug #60 Y004444 Permits 2022 - Q1

Consent Agreement and Order for Civil Penalty. The consent agreement includes a $70,000.00 civil penalty.

Linda Thull, MD 23830 Arizona Medical Board 2022 - Q1

Interim Practice Restriction- Respondent is prohibited from engaging in the practice of medicine in the State of Arizona until Respondent applies to the Executive Director and receives permission to do so.

Jacob Robert T063269 Technicians 2022 - Q1

Decision and Order. License Revoked.

James Montoya T049523 Technicians 2022 - Q1

Decision and Order. License revoked.

Israa Gamalaldin Ali I024603 Interns 2022 - Q1

Consent Agreement for Civil Penalty. The consent agreement includes a $250.00 civil penalty.

Tabitha A. Barzar S012226 Pharmacists 2022 - Q1

Consent Agreement for Continuing Education. The consent agreement includes 3 hours of continuing education.

Cordant Pharmacy Solutions #301 Y008300 Permits 2022 - Q1

Consent Agreement and Order for Civil Penalty. The consent agreement includes a $250.00 civil penalty.

Paul Edward Klein, NP AP7448 2022 - Q1

Nurse License No. RN188709 and Advanced Practice Certificate No. AP7448 is SUMMARILY SUSPENDED pending proceedings for revocation and other action by the Board. A hearing in this matter shall be promptly instituted and determined. Dated this 27th day of January, 2022.

Ronda Sue Skirvin T075551 Technicians 2022 - Q1

Consent Agreement for Civil Penalty. Emergency Health Services Registration issued upon payment of $300.00 civil penalty.

Roberts Luisa Serbanescu T068589 Technicians 2022 - Q1

Decision and Order. License Revoked.

Rachelle Susie Harrelson T076043 Technicians 2022 - Q1

Consent Agreement for Civil Penalty. License issued upon payment of a $250.00 civil penalty.

Karla Medina Not Issued Technicians 2022 - Q1

Consent Agreement for Civil Penalty. License shall not issue until Applicant pays $250.00 civil penalty. Application shall be denied if penalty not paid within 90 days.

Rebecca Anne Gray S019241 Pharmacists 2022 - Q1

Consent Agreement for Civil Penalty, Continuing Education and Audit. $200.00 civil penalty; Additional 15 hours of continuing education; and automatic continuing education audit.